
Darkest dungeon board game
Darkest dungeon board game

darkest dungeon board game

Darkest dungeon board game upgrade#

This range of values is determined by the hero class and the tier of the weapon upgrade the hero possesses. The damage of any attack is calculated on the base damage of the character, which is a range showing a minimum and maximum damage value. Certain abilities combine both a health heal and stress heal, in which case, the crit doubles only the Health portion of the heal (although the 4 Stress recovery from the crit heal will be added onto the skill's own Stress relief).ĭamage, or DMG, determines the amount of hit points removed from the victim's health when successfully landing an attack. Critical heals will double the amount of heal (a heal for 0 is never considered as a critical heal by the game).

darkest dungeon board game

Every other heal skill (including self-heals) has a 5% chance to be critical. The critical heal chance for single target heals (excluding self-heals) is 12%. The chance of a critical heal does not use a hero's CRIT stat, but instead has its own fixed critical hit chance. It is also possible for a heal to score a critical, in which case the hero being healed will experience 4 Stress heal in addition to a doubled amount of health points recovered. However, monsters also get a bonus to critical chance at low light. In addition to using trinkets and abilities to improve hero CRIT, all heroes will also gain a bonus to critical chance when fighting at low light levels, as a reward for a more risky approach. If the hero deals a critical strike to a corpse, they will not regain any stress, unless the critical strike comes from an AOE. If an enemy is killed with a critical strike, the stress heal from both events is added up, and the enemy will leave no corpse.

darkest dungeon board game

Conversely, when a hero lands a critical hit on the enemy, the hero will receive a 3 stress heal, and each other party member has a 25% chance to receive the same. Critical hits inflicted by enemies will also cause 10 stress damage to the victim (subject to multiplication by applicable Stress modifiers), along with a 50% chance to cause 5 stress damage to each party member. A critical hit will cause the attack to inflict 1.5 * maximum damage (note that the actual maximum damage is not an integer and might be less than what is shown), prolong the duration of any blight or bleed inflicted by 2 turns, and apply a unique self-buff based on the hero's class. Note that the accuracy of all enemies improves while at low light levels, but not their Dodge.Ībbreviated as CRIT, critical chance determines the chance of an attack scoring a critical hit. You also gain a +4 ACC bonus for any consecutive miss in a row after the first one. You’ll need a displayed 95% hit chance for the game to internally modify this to a guaranteed hit. The final chance of hitting an enemy is given by the base accuracy of the ability (which depends on its upgrade tier), modified by any quirk, trinket, buff, and/or debuff modifiers, the hero's accuracy modifier, a further hidden +5 ACC, and minus the target's Dodge the resultant number is the percentage chance for the attack to hit. Accuracy, abbreviated as ACC, is the overall chance of landing offensive abilities. Stats are also used by monsters, but only defensive ones (Dodge, Protection, and Speed) are displayed to the player.Ībbreviated as ACC MOD, the accuracy modifier is the bonus (or penalty) applied to the accuracy of all attacks used by the character. Stats are also influenced by quirks and diseases, either positively or negatively, and it is possible to acquire temporary effects influencing a hero's stats as a side effect of several Hamlet activities or curio interactions. Stats improve when the hero's Resolve level increases or their equipment is upgraded, but can also be augmented through the use of trinkets. Each character has six different stats, normally determined by their class and their equipment.

Darkest dungeon board game